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Environmental Planning reviews the environmental impacts of UC San Diego projects under the 2018 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), applying mitigation measures for potential impacts and overseeing ongoing monitoring of these measures.
Our goals:
Environmental Planning is responsible for providing the appropriate environmental documentation for individual projects to ensure compliance with CEQA – the basis for environmental law and policy in California. Documents include:
The CEQA concept of "tiering" refers to the coverage of general environmental matters in broad program-level Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), with subsequent focused environmental documents for individual projects that implement the program. The La Jolla Campus 2018 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) EIR and the UC San Diego Hillcrest Campus 2019 LRDP EIR are Program EIRs that evaluate the potential impacts of the LRDPs and establish mitigation monitoring and reporting programs for projects implemented under each LRDP.
CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines (updated 2023) encourage the use of streamlining tools to reduce delays and excessive paperwork in the environmental review process. This is accomplished in “tiered” documents that eliminate repetitive analyses of issues that were adequately addressed in the Program EIR and incorporate those analyses by reference. The environmental reviews of campus projects are tiered from the UC San Diego La Jolla Campus 2018 LRDP EIR or the UC San Diego Hillcrest Campus 2019 LRDP EIR.
Pursuant to CEQA, Section 15168(c)(4), an agency should use “...a written checklist or similar device to document the evaluation of the site and the activity to determine whether the environmental effects of the operation were covered in the program EIR.” Therefore, when appropriate and prior to approving a new project, the university prepares an Addendum to the 2018 LRDP EIR to document that none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred (14 CCR 15164). However, when one or more of the conditions described in Section 15162 are met, a subsequent tiered document, such as a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) or EIR must be prepared.
Occasionally, UC San Diego may pursue projects that are not within the current scope of the current LRDP EIRs. In these cases, if an LRDP amendment is not warranted and the project is not exempted from CEQA, a stand-alone project MND or EIR would be prepared.
UC San Diego is proposing to update the 2018 La Jolla Campus LRDP. In accordance with Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), UC San Diego is preparing a Subsequent EIR to evaluate and disclose potential impacts associated with approval and implementation of the proposed Update to the 2018 LRDP as well as changed conditions since the 2018 LRDP EIR was prepared. Once completed, the Draft Subsequent EIR will be circulated for a 45-day public review period (planned for spring 2025). See the La Jolla Campus LRDP webpage for more information.
UC San Diego prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to CEQA to evaluate the environmental effects of growth under the La Jolla Campus 2018 Long Range Development Plan. The 2018 LRDP EIR is used for environmental review of project-specific campus development.
As a public agency principally responsible for approving or carrying out projects under the 2018 LRDP EIR, the University of California is considered the Lead Agency under CEQA. The Regents filed a Notice of Determination for the 2018 LRDP EIR following its certification in November 2018.
The Regents, or their delegates, have also considered and approved the following projects implemented under the La Jolla Campus 2018 LRDP. View these projects’ Addenda to the 2018 LRDP EIR and associated Notices of Determination (NOD) below.
UC San Diego prepared an EIR to evaluate the environmental effects of redevelopment proposed by the Hillcrest Campus 2019 Long Range Development Plan. The 2019 LRDP EIR is used for environmental review of project-specific Hillcrest campus development.
As a public agency principally responsible for approving or carrying out projects under the 2019 LRDP EIR, the University of California is considered the Lead Agency under CEQA. The Regents filed a Notice of Determination for the 2019 LRDP EIR following its certification in November 2019.
The Regents have also considered and approved the following projects implemented under the Hillcrest Campus 2019 LRDP. View these projects’ addenda to the 2019 LRDP EIR and associated NOD below.
UC San Diego prepared an EIR to evaluate the environmental effects of a new facility located immediately adjacent to the La Jolla campus that will house several programs from UC San Diego Health, UC San Diego School of Medicine, and UC San Diego Extension. The project was previously referred to as the La Jolla Innovation Center. View the Final EIR through the links below:
UC San Diego prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) to evaluate the environmental effects of development of a new medical office facility located in the northwest corner of Bernardo Center Drive and Interstate 15 in the Rancho Bernardo Community in the City of San Diego.
As a public agency principally responsible for approving or carrying out projects, the University of California is considered the Lead Agency under CEQA. The Regents filed a Notice of Determination (NOD) for the UC San Diego Health, Rancho Bernardo Healthcare Center Medical Office Building MND following its adoption in November 2024. View this projects’ MND and associated NOD below:
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15062, the following Notices of Exemption serve as public notice that a project exempt from CEQA has been approved.
UC San Diego encourages public participation in the environmental planning and review process. This includes projects that require public noticing, public scoping meetings/hearings as well as information sessions provided to community planning groups.
If you would like to participate, you can:
If you are unable to view draft environmental PDF documents, you can review them in two other ways:
You may provide comments regarding the accuracy of draft environmental documents by email.
Projects that are currently undergoing environmental review by UC San Diego will be featured below. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, addenda to EIRs do not need to be circulated for public review, but can be included in or attached to the final EIR and provided to the approving body when considering approval of a project. While many of UC San Diego’s projects comply with CEQA through an addendum to a program EIR, projects that require MNDs or EIRs will be circulated for the public and agency review periods mandated by CEQA. Documents available for public review will be included below and noticed per CEQA requirements, when necessary.
CEQA requires that a lead agency establish a program to monitor and report on mitigation measures adopted as part of the environmental review process to avoid or reduce the severity and magnitude of potentially significant environmental impacts associated with project development. The CEQA guidelines (Section 15097 [a]) require that a mitigation monitoring and reporting program be adopted upon certification of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) to ensure mitigation measures identified in the EIR or MND are implemented.
The Mitigation Monitoring Program describes monitoring and reporting procedures, monitoring responsibilities, and monitoring schedule. Environmental Planning oversees implementation of the Mitigation Monitoring Program.
The 2018 Long Range Development Plan and Environmental Impact Report have designated campus natural resources consisting of canyons, steep slopes, native vegetation and eucalyptus groves as "Open Space Preserve." The approximately 335 acres of Open Space Preserve on the campus consists of four types of open space that contain both natural and manmade landscapes: Ecological Reserve, Restoration Lands, Historic Grove and Urban Forest. Each type of open space is described below.
Initially developed in 2004, the Open Space Management Program is intended to maintain and enhance existing biological values within the Ecological Reserve and other portions of the Open Space Preserve. Activities addressed by the program include habitat restoration/enhancement, exotic species control/removal, erosion control, trash removal, unauthorized trail closure, public awareness, recreational activities, research/education activities, and operational protocols. It also includes monitoring measures for both habitat and species in the Open Space Preserve. A habitat banking and monitoring program was established wherein the geographic boundaries of all mitigation lands (and associated habitat descriptions) are entered into a database and monitored by a qualified biologist to ensure that habitat values are being maintained. For more information, see the Ecological Reserve flyer (PDF).
The UC San Diego Ecological Reserve Habitat Management Plan (HMP) guides the management of the Ecological Reserve pursuant to the Open Space Management Program. This plan takes the Open Space Management Program a step farther by providing specific direction for the preservation and long-term management of the Ecological Reserve and expands upon the applicable management guidelines identified in the LRDP. Given that UC San Diego does not record conservation easements over mitigation areas on campus lands, implementation of specific recommendations in the HMP ensures that the habitat functions and values of the Ecological Reserve are maintained and protected over the long term. Funding for implementation of the HMP is provided on an annual basis through Campus Resource Management and Planning funds, though it is a goal of the university to establish an endowment to fund long‐term management of its Ecological Reserve lands in perpetuity. The 2023 Annual Report documents the status of the Ecological Reserve including the management and maintenance tasks completed during the 2023 calendar year, including updated flora and fauna surveys, invasive species removal, and native plantings.
Email Lauren Lievers or Alison Buckley.